Monday, April 7, 2014


SOOOO I promised everyone Thursday night that I'd have a Captain America: Winter Soldier review up today but I have had all sorts of trouble today putting my thoughts into words and those words into coherent sentences and those coherent sentences into a blog post. I have lots of feelings about this movie and they're almost entirely really good feelings. I really enjoyed the movie, you guys. This is one of the best Marvel has so far put out and it's one that only gets better on repeated viewings, which I think they've lacked since Avengers. It's edgy and dark and gritty without having to be edgy or dark or gritty because Captain America has no time for dark or gritty. He's not Batman, toeing the line between "one bad day" vigilante and the only justice in a town corrupted. The movie has plenty of great themes including security vs. freedom, trust, and friendship and manages to really explore those themes in interesting ways. The action is great, the writing is solid, the performances are incredibly impressive. It's everything I liked about the first film but with an entirely new feel to it at the same time. It's a sequel that really adds to the franchise and improves on the mythos, the first movie I think that's really true for from Marvel. I still have lots to say on this and I'll likely post it eventually (I have a long blog post that's not even like, a fifth done yet sitting in my queue right now but I've come to the realization that that one isn't getting posted today) but for now, suffice it to say that Marvel has absolutely knocked it out of the park with this one. Sorry for throwing a sports metaphor into a comics blog.

1 comment:

  1. i totally understand. i worked on mine for like 6 hours:
