Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Comics this week!

Pretty short list of comics this week but some really important ones nonetheless. Also some I'm less excited about. You know what? I can probably stop saying that every week. I can. But I won't. ALSO, be on the lookout for a new review format this week. I've been thinking about changing it up for a while now and it seems this week, a relatively light week in terms of volume, is as good a time as any to see how it rolls out. More on this later, as I actually figure out what my plan is. For now, let's see what we've got for books this week.

Superior Spider-Man 31
It works out that possibly the biggest new release, the finale of SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN, is also the first alphabetically on this list (rare that we start with "S"). Okay, so maybe that only matters to me but it does. Anyway, kind of easy to see why this one is here; the journey with Otto Octavius as Spider-Man, which everyone expected to last a couple months, ends after a full year, nearly a year and a half, and we'll get our first taste of the aftermath this very week.

Ultimate FF 1
Narrowly beating out HULK 1 as most anticipated reboot of the week, ULTIMATE FF promises to give us a look at the new science superhero team of the Ultimate Universe. Recent Ultimate architect Joshua Fialkov takes over this new group, starring Sue Storm, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, and the new Machine Man (Danny Ketch), which gives me some confidence for the series. Should be fun. And really, really awful for these guys, if Fialkov's record holds true.

Winter Soldier - Bitter March 3
Rick Remender's very cool noir-like story of Ran Shen's attempt to outwit and survive the Winter Soldier gets more complicated as Hydra gets involved in the extraction of the former Nazi scientists. This is the first issue of the limited series since the release of the fantastic Captain America: Winter Soldier, which will likely have no effect on things in this book but felt worth noting. It's still a good book, you guys. 

X-Force 3
Si Spurrier continues his exciting new run on X-FORCE this week as the narrative reigns switch over to Psylocke. Each issue thus far has featured a different member of the team narrating and Spurrier revealed on Tumblr this week (in a post I would link if I weren't writing this on my iPad) that this issue's narrator will be everyone's favorite British ninja. Really interested to see his take on Betsy Braddock, which we saw a little of in Spurrier's X-MEN LEGACY. X-FORCE has been stupendous so far and I'm excited to see it continue this week.

X-Men 13
With Arkea defeated, the X-Men will have to find a new mission and new conflict to go up against. I've liked this book so far but I'm really interested to see where Brian Wood takes the series next. I had the same feeling after its crossover in BATTLE OF THE ATOM ended, hoping to see where Wood would go next, but it just reverted back to Arkea. This new arc will represent the first true new arc since the start and I'm curious to see where it will go.

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