Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Comics this week

Similar week to last week in terms of number of books out but a little different in terms of books I'm super excited about. There are enough, though, and certainly enough that fit the bill of "important to the line" to make the picks pretty easy. So let's get at (h)it. QUICK HITS.

Avengers Arena 17
We are rapidly approaching the end of AVENGERS ARENA, unquestionably the biggest surprise of the year for me. Sad to see this one ending but glad to see that it will end on Hopeless' terms and not continue. This was never meant to be one that lasted so long and it'll be nice to see where it takes us. The last issue brought us some major fights among the largest group of survivors while our once-villains of the series, Death Locket and Apex, and believed-dead Darkhawk find themselves face-to-face with a powerless Arcade. EXCITING TIMES AHEAD.

Captain America Living Legend 3
I'm still pretty into this book, you guys. I figure we'll find out a bit more about our villain in this coming issue, particularly as Cap gets closer and closer to discovering him and, presumably, recognizing who he is. I like the plot and the art of this series and I've been a big fan of the characterization of just about everyone we've seen, somehow most notably in the people who have one line. It makes a difference as a reader and it's coming across well.

Deadpool 19
I have been rather in favor of this arc, "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," and I think it's helped to define this series better than any arc prior. At least to define it in a positive way. At least for me. Whatever. Anyway, I think the way the creative team sticks the landing will show us a lot about the way this book will carry on. I'm interested to see it.

Marvel Knights X-Men 1
Another new Marvel Knights book which means another chance for Marvel to reestablish their Marvel Knights line. This one will be led by Brahm Revel (new to Marvel) and he's planning to take this small X-team (seemingly consisting, at the start, of just Wolverine, Kitty, and Rogue) on a bit of a darker adventure. Like I said when MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN 1 came out a few weeks back, this is an important book to establish how the new MK line differs itself from the main X-Men series (plural). It would be hard not to go darker than those books, but I'm happy to see this one will still.

Thor: God of Thunder 15
I'm just on a Thor high, okay guys? It'll probably be neat!

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