Friday, May 23, 2014

SUPER QUICK REVIEW: X-Men: Days of Future Past

As ever, no spoilers until there's been more time for people to get out and see the movie (believe it or not, I'm still optimistic I'll get full reviews out for all the movies I've missed).

I worried from day one that X-Men: Days of Future Past was going to suffer from a hugely complicated story and from having too many characters. I'm delighted to report that, while the story is pretty convoluted and while there are plenty of roles in this movie, there was no such suffering through this one. There's a bit of suspension of disbelief in play here to get through some of the finer points of the story (though likely no more than you had to suspend to get into comics and the X-Men in the first place) but it's not troubling enough to taint the movie. There are maybe a few too many winks and nudges at the audience (big winks and nudges too, broad ones that everyone can follow and not just the diehard fans who are searching them out). Regardless, the movie easily stands on its own and is certainly one of the strongest movies in the franchise to date, if not the strongest. As ever, stay til the end of the credits for an exciting, if somewhat predictable, teaser.

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