Thursday, May 1, 2014

Quick review: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2

Hey all my buddies. Just saw Amazing Spider-Man 2 for the first time and I thought I'd throw up a quick review. As ever, this quick review won't have any spoilers, just initial thoughts.

I went in worrying a little that this one would suffer from too many villains or too much grit. If you're worried about it too, don't worry too much. There are some moments where the villains start to get a little too conveniently crazy but by and large there's nothing to fret about there. In addition, this movie maybe more than any other recent comic movie, embraces the comic world. Sure, it's still a real world, as it were, but it's one that understands who exists out here. It doesn't have to be Batman's dark and gritty Gotham, it has to be a world where superheroes exist and where CGI drives certain sequences because that's what these guys are: living CGI. Marc Webb embraces that and it pays off here. Lots of real personality to this movie and it works incredibly well.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review Tim. At the end of the day, it's mostly an enjoyable popcorn flick, but not much more than that.
