Sunday, January 6, 2013

This week's picks

Let's assume that you do not have exorbitant wealth and thus don't want to but every comic that came out this past week. Let's also assume that you waited until Sunday to choose which books you wanted (BETTER HOPE THEY'RE NOT SOLD OUT). You've counted your pennies and now you're wondering which three books you should buy. DON'T WORRY, I'VE GOT THIS.

New Avengers 1
Honestly, buy this book. I'm hoping that the series maintains this pace and beauty and these characters (okay look, this issue was way more about Black Panther than the rest of the Illuminati and that would be OKAY BY ME, but I also like much of the Illuminati), but even if it peters off a little bit, it should still be a good series. That's how neat this first book was. I'm expecting it to stay good but this issue is very much a reason to spend your hard-earned money on COMIC BOOKS.

Daredevil: End of Days 4
This is going to depend on your feelings about Daredevil and on the rest of this series and on possible alternate futures so we're kind of banking on a lot here. But the art, by itself, is worth checking in on this book. The mystery is good, if a little dulled by now, and Ben Urich is a likable protagonist, as he's always been. We'll see how it moves, though I expect it'll be a reasonably good series that kind of drags on a bit as we see what's become of Daredevil's corner of the Marvel Universe before getting a jam-packed final issue or two.

Red She-Hulk 61
I know, I didn't think I was going to recommend this either. I was leaning towards Iron Man but Iron Man was the wrapping up of a good arc and the intro to what will probably be another good arc but it left this issue a little slowed down the middle. It's not bad and if you're an Iron Man fan it's probably more worth checking out than Red She-Hulk (and you probably will have already decided that), but Red She-Hulk surprises me with how much it has going on. I like the two separate Hulk personalities mixed with Betty's personality, I like the Tesla-as-guide-through-scientific-way-to-see-the-future (which I didn't really mention in this review as it happened a couple issues ago primarily but it's still all linked) and I like the SHIELD tie-in. I think big things are afoot, dear reader, and we'll see where they land us.

Overall kind of felt like a soft week. The stand-outs were pretty good but drop off a little after New Avengers. I have liked the Iron Man series so far, but this issue was a kind of in-between issue so I didn't necessarily find it as engaging as the ones I picked here. Still, comics are worth reading. Check these out if you're looking for somewhere to start.

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