Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New comics coming out!

Kind of a short list this week. Lot of second printings and the like, but only nine new issues. Weird coming off like, three straight weeks of 15 book releases. So what am I most looking forward to?

Avengers 4
Hot off the finale of the first arc, I'm looking for more character building and possibly more of the "wait, WHO'S on the team?" kind of thing going forward. I think Hickman roped the audience in, now it's time to keep us there. Like I said in number three's review last week, the inaccessibility is both kind of exciting and very surprising. The last Avengers series got sick of its team and decided to pull in anyone who was currently any sort of Avenger (regular, New, Secret, which was always weird) seemingly whenever it felt like it. I'm not saying that this book is going to feature a smaller team all the time, but it at least seems to be exploring more of what likely SHOULD be the Avengers runs; they call in the best people for the job, not all of the people for every job.

Hawkeye 7
I'm always going to be excited for this Hawkeye series. I've come to understand that. It's always solid, always fun, always a great examination of the characters it chooses to focus on. This week, any purchase will benefit the Red Cross's efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, so if you need to buy one book, you could do worse than getting a probably great book for a good cause. It's a win-win.

Superior Spider-Man 2
After a very engaging first entry to this new series, everyone will wait to see if Superior Spider-Man can keep up the speed (and disgust every single one of us by watching a Doc Ock inhabited Peter Parker making out with MJ). Last issue made it abundantly clear that Superior Spider-Man is a very different kind of hero than Amazing Spider-Man. It's definitely interesting to watch. We're also going to have to see what last issue's cliffhanger is going to mean for the timetable of this series going forward.


  1. I find myself getting more excited for Hawkeye every week and I feel like if someone had told me even a few months ago that I would feel that way, I would laugh in their face.
