Sunday, October 12, 2014

Avengers and X-Men: Axis 1

Avengers and X-Men: Axis 1

Magneto killing the Red Skull at the end of the last UNCANNY AVENGERS backfired as it, for reasons unknown, turned him into the Red Onslaught, the Nazi version of X-Men villain Onslaught. With his already impressive power now made more immense, Red Onslaught is able to start broadcasting his hate across the globe, causing rioting and hate crimes everywhere. Iron Man, who has already built in precautions against telepathy into his own suit, manages to block out the Red Onslaught's telepathy to his team, stopping their inherited hatred before things get too disastrous, and leads the Avengers to aid Havok, Rogue, and Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch, though, has been taken over by the Red Onslaught and is nearly ready to convert the world to one where the Nazis won. Rogue, fortunately, whacks her out of it and then talks her out of it (being crazy, that is). Unfortunately, with Iron Man now onsite, Red Onslaught is able to access his contingency plans to defeat all of his friends if the need should arise.

Holy double-page-spread, you guys. This event officially kicks off (still with an extraordinarily clunky name, instead of the much easier name "Axis") with an oversized issue and I mean that in every sense. It's longer than a typical issue, it's bigger than a typical issue (thanks to all the DPS), and it probably should have been reined in a bit more. A good chunk of the first half of this issue finds the Avengers fighting some other foe and quipping and generally having a pretty good time. It doesn't really read so well, though, so it's rather a slog to get through it. Sadly, that trend kind of continues as Remender seems intent on getting out as much information as he can in this first issue, meaning this oversized issue drags quite a bit throughout, something you don't want happening in what should be the action-packed start of a new event. The story is compelling, though it smacks of a story of convenience, one created by people going "geez, wouldn't it be cool if we could do X or Y, let's find a reason for X or Y to happen." As a result, this first issue holds together only marginally well and the rampant dialogue and over-explanation drag everything down with it.

Total Score: 2/5


  1. and how about those awkward AXIS banners, huh? what in the world were tey trying for there?
    I had to read some wikipedia to find out what was up with Red Skull just magically being replaced by "Red Onslaught" when Magneto dropped a stack of bricks on his head. this Onlsaught thing is some kind of psychic entity that manifested before when Magento and Prof X's brain powers combined or something. It's a really neat concept. I only wish Remener had spent some time explaining that rather than all the other rampant dialogue in it.

  2. UGH, the banners! I think my mind blocked them out as soon as I wasn't looking at them.

    I had seen Onslaught before (though I'd forgotten his tie to Magneto) and I agree, he's a pretty interesting villain in a lot of ways. I mostly didn't understand how killing Red Skull led to Red Onslaught. Still don't! So yeah, I really like Remender (his UNCANNY X-FORCE has built him up almost infinite good will with me) but I'd have liked to see a lot more out of this issue (and a lot less dialogue).
