Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Original Sin 8

Original Sin 8

Nick Fury attempts to fight off Dr. Midas, Oubliette, and the Mindless Ones Midas has in tow. Help arrives as his gathered team of investigators show up to take on the Mindless Ones has Fury chases Midas to The Watcher's body, where Midas hopes to gain all of the deceased's secrets and power. Fury admits that he was the one who killed The Watcher after all, though flashbacks show us it was a little more complicated than that, and uses the remaining eye to destroy Midas. As the clean-up begins, no one is entirely sure what happened, only knowing that Uatu and Fury seem to really be dead. However, unbeknownst to everyone, a new being named the Unseen has emerged, someone bound to witness all just as Uatu did. In finishing news, Thor still can't pick up his hammer, Oubliette has one of Midas' still working hands, and Winter Soldier has seemingly taken Nick's place on the world's front lines.

One of the things that ended up frustrating me about this series was that I don't think it was poorly written or that the characters weren't well-done or something. I do think there were parts that dragged a bit and I think that the story wasn't particularly strong, certainly not strong enough to overcome my cynicism about releasing all these secrets into the world (especially the secrets that didn't end up impressing me) and about events as a whole. Still, it's hard to complain too much as we walk away from ORIGINAL SIN with a couple of big, key changes (no more Watcher, no more Nick Fury, Thor can't lift his hammer, Bucky's in space, etc.) and as there were a couple of good character moments. I didn't think Nick Fury's plot was very strong; I'll always consider Fury the wheels-within-wheels guy as opposed to the front-lines-of-Earth guy. I think that there's certainly room for both definitions and that one doesn't necessarily preclude the other, but there's something much more clever and much more sly to the first than to the second and that's the Fury I like reading. Anyway, though I didn't like his story, I thought that Aaron wrote him well enough to generate real sympathy and real heart for him as the series ends. I think everyone else gets a fair shake too. Geez, what a conflicting event. I guess I'm still not totally impressed with it but I can't say I full-out didn't like it. Sounds like a certain score to me...

Total Score: 3/5

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