Monday, February 17, 2014

Possible Black Widow movie in the works

Pretty early to say but Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige recently said in Total Film magazine that, on top of a bigger role in Captain America: Winter Soldier that would expand her story, "exploring that even further in her own film would be great, and we have some development work with that." The wording is still pretty vague and certainly promises nothing but it would make some sense, given Scarlett Johansson's visibility and the cinematic feel of Edmondson and Noto's new series. Excuses are constantly made about why female-led superhero movies wouldn't work but we've never actually seen one tried and more people, it seems are realizing that it simply isn't a good excuse any more. That said, it shows that studios haven't been willing to take a chance yet so it's hard to say whether or not Feige's comments are giving anything new away just yet. I'll believe it when I see it but here's hoping someone figures this out.

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