Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Comics this week


Okay, if my count holds, there are twenty-two new comics from Marvel this week. As much as I love comics and just want to be reading them all the time, this saddens me greatly. It saddens me thinking of how many reviews have to be written, it saddens me knowing that the more comics there are the more comics I won't like. It saddens me because there's an Age of Ultron 10.1A.I. What. Okay, let's just dive in instead of listening to this guy whine about the job he made himself which just involves talking about comics. Plus side, it's impossible NOT to be excited by five+ of these books.

Avengers Arena 11
This book is great every time and now we're coming fresh off another death (of a pretty big character, no less) who used her dying breath to wish for help. Not astounding on its own but when you consider that her wishes are made of magic, it's not a bad way to go. Meanwhile, a big part of our cast just jumped into a portal with no idea where it will lead. Finally, if the cover of this week's issue is to be believed, we have a couple of guys we haven't seen in awhile showing up again; a couple of guys who would have no idea what's been happening with the rest of the cast and, particularly, with Katy. Exciting times ahead, dear reader.

Captain America 8
The most depressing fight in the world is set to happen unless twists hit pretty early. Cap is squared off against Ian in just the saddest battle. I don't think I can objectively write more about that at this point, since I'll just keep thinking about how sad it is. Guys, Cap has raised this kid for SO LONG. He's been in Dimension Z LONGER THAN IN PRESENT DAY MARVEL, by his calendar! And he's going to have to fight the CHILD who he's raised THAT ENTIRE TIME. WHAT.

Fury MAX 13
Final issue of this thoroughly impressive book. There have been times where it's slowed in this long arc but overall it's been a really nice piece. Garth Ennis is kind of exactly the right person to be writing Nick Fury, especially a retrospective Nick Fury. This book has been an entertaining read all the way through and has left me pretty satisfied, as someone who finds Nick Fury a very compelling character in the right hands. Ennis' hands were definitely right for this. Sorry if that sounds incredibly odd.

Hawkeye 11
"Pizza Dog in 'Pizza Is My Business.'" Sold.

Ultimate X-Men 28
Everything that so nicely fell into place over the last couple issues and particularly last issue will either shape up or shatter completely here as the mutants of Utopia learn whether or not they'll have to fight or if Utopia itself can protect them. If it can't, is this fight worth it? What can be gained? What will be lost?Who will remain and what will be left of them? These answers and more, hopefully in this week's new Ultimate X-Men.

Young Avengers 6
OKAY you caught me. I'm sneaking a sixth pick in here and covering it by writing particularly short (for me) blurbs for each. This book has been outstanding since panel one and I expect nothing less, even as Kate Brown sits in for superb series artist Jamie McKelvie on this one. Old Young Avenger (and long-lost twin brother to Wiccan) Tommy/Speed is working a desk job? With former Young Avenger X-Men equivalent Prodigy? How will this affect our team and its roster? It's a very rare book that can make me excited for a story with new characters and also thoroughly depressed that we might not see much out of the normal characters, especially where we haven't dealt with them nearly enough for my liking just yet. I think it's safe to say that Marvel has hit absolute gold with Marvel NOW and its new slew of Avengers book. I can't point to a one and say it's bad or that I dislike it. In fact, the majority of them are in my current favorites category. Exciting time to be a Marvel fan.

Yes, I stuck six pregame picks in but can you blame me? This post didn't even MENTION Daredevil WHO WILL BE CONFRONTING A CATATONIC BULLSEYE FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE DD KILLED HIM IN SHADOWLAND nor X-Men 2, which I still have very high hopes for. YOU GUYS. I changed my mind while writing this; this week is going to be awesome.

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