Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Comics out this week!

Okay, so this week I think really IS a relatively small release week (about 14 new books). Still pretty action-packed including the first issue of a new event. Let's see what we've got.

Age of Ultron 1
For all of my possible skepticism about this series, it could still be big and it could be very interesting. I'm hoping it is, though I'm still a bit nervous. Regardless of how it turns out, this is likely on everyone's pre-game picks this week, which is EXACTLY what Marvel wants.

Cable and X-Force 5
I'm happy with how strong this series has been so far and I'm overall pretty thrilled with all of Dennis Hopeless' offerings in this new Marvel NOW! Plot and character-wise I'm looking forward to how this series shakes out. It doesn't hurt that I find it hard to believe I'd ever be upset with a book that has Dr. Nemesis in it.

Daredevil: End of Days 6
I've had some complaints to lodge against this series so far that all kind of go back to my skepticism about Age of Ultron. I feel like we've gotten to issue six and barely had anything actually happen. I'm a big proponent of taking at least an issue now and then to focus on characters and not on action if just to show what action is. However, I feel like we've gotten kind of non-stop lack of action. This issue seems forced into making a reveal or something.

Venom 32
I like where this series has landed. There are a lot of plotlines that seem ripe to converge and really shake Flash's world. I'm not sure if we'll dive into it right away in this issue or if it'll continue a kind of slow build while Flash sets things in order in his new home, but, after an initial scare with where the series was going, I'm happy with where we are and where we seem primed to go.

Winter Soldier 16
I love the character so much that I imagine this book will keep cropping up on this pre-game list. Adding the intrigue, though, is Jason Latour's new look at the character. I feel like we saw a bit to begin with in issue 15, Latour's first on the book, but now that some of the set-up is out of the way, I'll be really interested to see where the character is going.

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