Thursday, June 2, 2016

Welcome to 2016

If you want to be pedantic and start arguing over when a "welcome to 2016" sort of post should have come, maybe you're better off looking elsewhere.

Here's the thing: from 2013 to now, I've written just under 900 blog posts for this site. And I took 2015 almost entirely off. So even with that, my output is still about a post every day and a half. That's a lot of content. It's also a lot of comics read. Kind of makes you resent comics? Yeah, I suppose that, and the fact I didn't really love what Marvel was putting out in 2015 and beyond (with notable exceptions) kind of kept me out of this blog.

But guess what? I've still been reading all the dang comics and I still like reviewing things so the doors are OPEN ONCE MORE.

I don't know how frequently I'll post; I guess we'll figure that out as we go. It also won't necessarily be straight reviews. It'll probably be a mix of reviews, opinion pieces, stray thoughts, and shouts. Internet shouts. Okay, that's maybe not as enticing. I'm not sure if any of this ever was. But I'm back, and that's what matters now, innit?

So let's kick this thing off...

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