Sunday, February 3, 2013

This week's picks

Like I said at the onset of this week, I was surprised by how few books came out. Nine books reviewed means one-third of those are going to be recommended, as opposed to the one-fifth or so I've been recommending. It FEELS like the stakes are both higher and lower because there are fewer choices. Or maybe it doesn't. Actually, it doesn't. I know which ones are my picks.

Hawkeye 7
On top of the fact that purchasing this book grants money to a good cause, this is a good book. In truth, just because the profits go to charity I'd be recommending this book. But this is a great book. It tells a cohesive story that fits within the parameters of the character. It also continues the fascinating trend this book has had of Hawkeye not being in costume and not using his arrows. There have been several times where he has used arrows and at least one full issue based around his arrows, but by and large, considering the one thing you think of when you think of Hawkeye is typically "bow and arrow," they have been absent. This issue, he doesn't fight anything he can use his arrows on anyway. So he uses his "pretty good guy" powers instead. It's a pretty moving tale with a lot of fun dialogue and still some good action. Solid entry, great series.

X-Men Legacy 5
Like I said in my review, this is a fine book. There's plenty of action, plenty of self-examination, plenty of actual interior examination, everything. The story is incredibly compelling, as are the characters (I'll say it again, Blindfold is interesting in this book. BLINDFOLD), and it shows no sign of stopping. The art style and the colors fit the tone really well, something super important to its success. For example, I adore Jamie McKelvie and think his art is just incredible, but I couldn't see it in this book. It shouldn't be as clean and as meticulous. It needs to be stretching the borders and fighting against the characters. That's not me trying to slight it and say it's not well-drawn because it totally is. It's just me saying it's a particular style that really works for the context. You're missing out if you're not reading this book.

Dark Avengers 186
I cannot say definitively that this book will appeal to everyone. TECHNICALLY, I can't say that definitively about any book but I do anyway. But I understand a bit of mistrust on this one. Alternate universes, alternate and questionably-moralled Avengers teams, alternate versions of heroes acting non-heroically, plenty of warning signs to people who hate things that are alternate. And I can't blame you, I'm often the same way. However, this book has lured me right in. I'm interested to see what the Dark Avengers do, how they handle themselves in their first solo arc post-Thunderbolts (this title switched over from Thunderbolts pretty recently). I'm also, despite myself, REALLY interested in how this world turns out, with 616 friends viewing each other as enemies and all-out super-powered war on the horizon. Pretty exciting stuff.


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